She's has?

2009-03-25 3:51 am
Describing people
She's has got curly dark shoulder-lenght (highlight blue) hair.
1. 我想問She's has got 是正確嗎? 還是She has got 才正確..
2. 怎樣翻譯這句成英文.....我想問She's has got 是正確嗎? 還是She has got 才正確....請加以解釋.
3. 怎樣將咁多形容頭髮的詞順條理的說出來...而 highlight 的顏色是藍色的,,
thank you eveybody help me

回答 (3)

2009-03-25 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. She's = she is / she was / she has
所以 she's has 就錯。直接寫 She has got 便對了。
2. She has got curly dark hair of shoulder-length with blue colour highlight.
2009-03-28 12:41 am
She's =/= She was
2009-03-25 8:07 pm
2. 怎樣翻譯這句成英文.....我想問She's has got 是正確嗎? 還是She has got 才正確...
Should be: She has got........
Because she's ( 's = has), therefore, she's has got.... had repeated the word "has".
Sorry that I have no right answer for your other question.
參考: own

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