英文book< >譯做中文thx,好小咋

2009-03-25 2:24 am
英文book <<The Dream>>

kai wah's dead brother,kai bun, appears to him in a dream. But what does he want?And what has become of their younger brother,kai kwan ?When kai sets out to investigate ,he finds himself in terrible danger as-----watched over by his elder brother---he desperately tries to save his younger one .An exciting detective story,The Dream is also a compelling tale of family ties and loyalties.

同埋一d 入面既內容~~~~^.^

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2009-03-25 5:31 am
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kai wah's dead brother,kai bun, appears to him in a dream.啟華已死去的兄弟啟彬,出現在他的夢境中。
But what does he want?And what has become of their younger brother,kai kwan 但是,他需要甚麼哩?而他們的弟弟啟坤,又怎麼樣了?
When kai Wah sets out to investigate ,he finds himself in terrible danger as-----watched over by his elder brother---he desperately tries to save his younger one .當啟華開始去調查時,他發現自己正在可怕的危險裡,就如:被哥哥監視。他竭力嘗試去拯救弟弟。
An exciting detective story,The Dream is also a compelling tale of family ties and loyalties. 一個緊張的偵探故事。『夢境』也是個令人注目的家庭倫理和忠誠的故事。
2009-03-25 2:28 am
kai wah的过世的兄弟, kai小圓麵包,出现给他夢想的。 但是他想要什麼?并且他們的弟弟, kwan的kai怎么样?當kai下决心調查,他發現自己於可怕的危險 -----觀看由他的哥哥---他绝望地设法保存他更加年輕一个。一個扣人心弦的侦探故事,夢想也是家庭关系和忠誠的一個強制的傳說。
參考: yahoo

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