titration using silver nitrate

2009-03-25 2:17 am
titration using silver nitrate solution and potassium chromate as indicator.
how can this titration method be adapted to determine conc. of HCl?

to chongyipliu: But I know that Chromate ion will be changed to dichrmoate ion in acidic condition, so silver chrmoate will not form...( and the effect of indicator will be disabled) what thing can I do in order to get a observable end point?


to chongyipliu: you mention the buffer solution, but isn't it is used for maintain the pH of THAT solution but not changing the pH to neutral? If a buffer solution really works, can you give me an example?


To chongyipliu: I've seen on a website that it said KSCN can be added in order to make this titration method suitable for HCl, what's the principle behind? Is it relevant to your beffer idea?

回答 (1)

2009-03-25 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your question is quite difficult. I try my best to answer it by my knownledge and website information

When we use a known amount of HCl with unknown concentration in conical flask and titrate with known concentration of silver nitrate solution .The reaction happens like this:

Cl− (aq) + Ag+ (aq) → AgCl (s)

White ppt is formed

When all Cl- is reacted with Ag+

An extra amount of Ag+ added to the mixture will react with CrO42-
although in fact it also happens during the above reaction

The solubility of silver chromate is slightly higher than that of silver chloride. So, in a mixture of both ions silver chloride will be formed. Only when no chloride is left, will silver chromate show its color.

Prior to the endpoint the solution has a milky lemon yellow appearance, due to the color of the chromate ion and the precipitate of silver chloride already formed. When approaching the endpoint, additions of silver nitrate lead to steadily slower disappearing red colorations. When the red brownish color remains (with grayish spots of silver chloride in it) the endpoint of titration is reached.

2009-03-25 20:27:28 補充:
you are right

under acidic environment

chromate will change to dichromate making its concentration is too low

we can make use a buffer solution to maintian the pH around 7

as also if it is too alkaline, silver(II) hydroxide will also form

making the titration value not accurate enough

2009-03-25 20:43:36 補充:
you can also know that

2 CrO42− + 2 H3O+ ⇌ Cr2O72− + 3 H2O

is a reversible reaction

if you do not use a buffer

or you afraid that the buffer will affect the concentration of HCl

that means the titration result will still be reliable as using up of CrO42− will shift the position to the left

2009-03-26 22:38:44 補充:
a buffer solution is used to provide a Fixed pH value environment to the solution

that means a buffer with pH7 is provided to the solution

in addition , THAT solution is neutral for the reaction to be carry out

2009-03-26 22:38:48 補充:
as i said before

despite the use of buffer, you can still carry out the experiment in acidic environment

2009-03-27 23:12:53 補充:
it is not related at all

it is another methods that can be use to show the end point of the experiment

Ag+ (aq) + SCN− (aq) → AgSCN (s)

with indictor iron(III)

Fe(OH)(OH2)52+ (aq) + SCN− (aq)→ [Fe(OH2)5(SCN)]2+ + OH−

blood-red [Fe(OH2)5(SCN)]2+ will be formed at the end point

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