追女仔.. 比女飛..英語點講? 求多一些例句..

2009-03-24 7:52 pm
追女仔.. 比女飛..英語點講? 求多一些例句..

(例 1) 聽聞 Jack 上個月比女飛左..洗唔洗約佢飲下酒呢?..
(例 2) Jack 呢排掛住追女仔..我想好難約佢吧..

回答 (5)

2009-03-25 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(This is more like a casual chat form kind of grammar).

1. I heard that Jack has been dumped, you think we should get him out for a few drinks? or
Jack just broke up with his girlfriend, maybe we should call him out for a beer and catch up? or
(this one is more likely to be used among female friends): I heard that Jack just broke up, maybe we should call him out to keep him company?

2. Jack is busy with dating these days, I dont think its that easy to get him out. or
Jack is busy with dating girls these days, I don't think he has time for us. or
Jack is going after a girl at the moment, maybe we should leave him alone.
2009-04-02 8:25 pm
1) Seems like Jack's girlfirend dumped him last month, should we get a drink with him?

2) Looks like Jack is more interested in flirting with girls, I don't think it's easy to call him out
2009-03-25 8:07 am

Jack had been broken up with his girlfriend last month. Should we invite him for a drink?
Jack always goes after girls, I suppose it’s very hard to meet with him.
2009-03-24 11:08 pm
(例 1) 聽聞 Jack 上個月比女飛左..洗唔洗約佢飲下酒呢?..
(例 2) Jack 呢排掛住追女仔..我想好難約佢吧..
1) Heard that Jack was ignored by his girl friendlast month,
should we invite him for a drink (to comfort him)?
2) Jack is busy on flirting chicks, I assumed he has no time for that.
追女仔 - flirting chicks (girls)
比女飛 - ignored by....
參考: own
2009-03-24 9:12 pm
1:Heard Jack's girlfriend broke up with him last month...do we need call him for drink?

2:Jack busy on make a girlfriend lately...i think it's hard to have an appointment with him...
參考: 希望幫到你...

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