
2009-03-24 6:45 pm
喂喂,妳好.我是開心公司,我叫小煩,我們原本預約 2009年 8月14日3:15pm到妳公司洽談 (無累床褥) 合約的細節, 真對不起,原來本公司這段時間還有其他預約,現在只有這樣,將我們到妳們公司的預約日期延遲一天,即是2009年8月15日3:15pm,望請原諒..

回答 (3)

2009-03-24 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, How are you? I'm from the "Happy Company", my name is siu fan, regarding our original appointment in your office for discussion of the contractual issues, my apologises, there was a mixup in the diary and the timeslot was originally taken up by others, therefore if you dont mind, can we arrange another appointment for the day after, which is 15th August 2009

Apologise for any inconvenience caused

2009-03-26 17:30:38 補充:
Ann, not picking on your English, some issues for you to consider

1 "How are you" is common "English/ American" introduction, we do not use "Greetings" in reality

2009-03-26 17:31:28 補充:
2. Originally we planned to discuss the details in your company at 3:15pm on August 14, 2009.

2009-03-26 17:32:02 補充:
Where was the plan in the first place?!?!?! Did you have any cunning plan in mind???? Use a simple word- appointment.

2009-03-26 17:32:17 補充:
if this was a legal conversation, and there is good reason to believe it is, your words sound very suspicious
Grammatical Correction, we've planned, on August.... at 3:15pm. In this order.

2009-03-26 17:32:36 補充:
3. I later found out that our company had previous engagements.
Wrong- Engagement???? Are you getting married???? This word is regularly used for marriage purposes in Europe and America. I suppose you are from a different continent?

2009-03-26 17:32:45 補充:
Now I have to delay the appointment for one day later which is 3:15pm on August 15, 2009.

You have to delay the appointment?????? Inappropriate use of words, sounds inpolite and very chinese.

2009-03-26 17:32:56 補充:
If you want to make it professional, you should use "I would like to postpone", generally a typical English person would say, "if you dont mind, I'd like to postpone"

Ann, You are welcome to discuss

2009-03-28 15:34:04 補充:
No.....WRONG..... good presentation using different examples
But lots of grammatical errors as follows

2009-03-28 15:41:15 補充:
Reschedule due to what?? unforseen circumstances??? It was a problem caused by yourself in the first place, and now you are advising your client or potential contracting parties to reschedule, you definitely have courage

2009-03-28 15:43:30 補充:
as wrote by you" request contract to be sign"???

Correction > Request contract to be signed
2009-03-28 1:03 am
(Depending on whether Happy Company is the one wanting the contract to be sign or is the one signing.... This is like a formal notification from the signing party)


Please be advised that we have to reschedule our meeting in regard to the contract details. The original time was 3.15pm, 14 August 2009 at our office and the new schedule is the same time on 15 August 2009 at your office.

Apology for the inconvenience caused.


Siu Fan
Happy Company

(If Happy Company requests contract to be sign)

Dear XXX,

Due to some unforeseen issues, we have to reschedule our appointment in regard to the contract details. Please can you change it from 3.15pm, 14 August 2009 at our office to the same time on 15 August 2009 at your office.

We appreciate your understanding. Should you have any queries, please contact me.

Siu Fan
happy Company

(if it is a conversation)

Hi XXX, This is Siu Fan from Happy Company, how are you?

We had an appointment made at 3.15pm on 14 August 2009 at our office, unfortunately something came up and we have to reschedule the meeting. Please can you change it to the same time on 15 August 2009 at your office.

I am sorry about the inconvenience caused.
2009-03-25 11:46 am
Greetings!! I am from "Happy Company", and my name is Siu Fan. Originally we planned to discuss the details in your company at 3:15pm on August 14, 2009. I later found out that our company had previous engagements. I apologize for any inconvenices caused. Now I have to delay the appointment for one day later which is 3:15pm on August 15, 2009. Your understanding is much appreciated.

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