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red wine is drank at room temperature. so when it reaches the stomach the alcohol in the wine is easily absorbed by the blood-capillaries in the stomach lining. therefore alcohol gets into the bloodstream faster.
white wine is usually drank cold. when cold liquid reaches your stomach the blood-capillaries in the stomach lining contracts because of the cold temperature (called "vasoconstriction"). therefore absorption of alcohol is slower.
2009-03-29 17:06:45 補充:
baby兄, 事實係咁喎! 飲凍嘢個胃內血管會收縮 (vasoconstriction), 減慢酒精吸收. 所以同樣係四十幾%酒精, 飲大麯 (通常熱飲) 會快醉過伏特加(通常凍飲).