
2009-03-24 7:35 am
有什麼外國年輕人網上常用縮寫? 可以也提供其縮寫,全寫和中文意思嗎?

縮寫例子...lol, opps, ffsa, omfg... 等...重有好多的吧!!

回答 (2)

2009-03-26 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LOL: Laugh Out Loud (笑死)
Opps: 係唔係 Oops? 唔係縮寫 (哎呀)
FFSA: [I know FFS, not FFSA] For Fu*k Sake (當比面上帝)
OMFG: Oh My Fu*king God (我的天呀)

2: to (去)
2nit: Tonight
4: For
4ever: Forever
abt: About
b2w: Back to Work
bb: Bye Bye
btw: By The Way (順便講下, 仲有呀)
cu: See You
f2f: Face to Face
gr8: [G-eight] Great
lmao: Laughing My A*s Off (笑死)
m8: Mate [M-eight] (朋友)
ne1: [N-E-one] Anyone
nvmd: Nevermind (唔緊要)
peeps: People
pls: Please
rly: Really
wkn: Weekend
wtf: What The Fu*k

Most useful:



2009-03-29 7:46 am
sk8 = skate
w8 = wait
ttyl = talk to you later
afk = away from keyboard
brb = be right back
lmfao = laughing my fu*kin ass off
lol = lawl = lolz = lul = lulz
rofl = rooling on the floor laugh
ily = i love you
people = ppl
leave = lv
ya = you
asap = as soon as possible
2nite = tonight
wtf = what the fu*k
wth= what the hell
stfu = shut the fu*k up
np = no problem
ks = okayss
dork = adorable
kl = cool
參考: myself

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