
2009-03-24 4:42 am
you are Jean Francisco,the manager of Marshal Restaurant,you have ordered 500 boxes of expensive strawberries from a fruit supplier.However,you found out that most of the strawberries are rotten.
Complete the following letter of complaint using the hints on the left margin and the useful expressions from section C.


Dear Sir/Madam


I am_________________some strawberries your company sent to me.

We_______________500 boxer of French strawberries from your company on Friday,February 23,2007.When we examined___________________dispatches by your staff last night,_______________________most of them were________________.

As our restaurant will have a grand opening in March,__________________some replacement strawberries within this month.

Please give this metter your immediate attention.I _________________from you soon.

Your faithfully

Jean Francisco

回答 (2)

2009-03-24 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am__writing to express my [great/deep] dissatisfaction towards / for__some strawberries your company sent to me.
[great/deep]: 純為增強不滿感~ 可加可不加~
towards / for: 雖然大部分時間 to 和 towards 可掉轉用~
但express someone's feelings __ somethings~ 只能用 towards / for~

We__ordered__500 boxer of French strawberries from your company on Friday,February 23,2007.
在某確實時間日子發生的事情只能用 simple tense~
(p.s. 應是boxes 非 boxer~?)

When we examined__the strawberries__dispatches by your staff last night,__we found that__most of them were__rotten / crushed__.
因為最重要係d士多啤梨有冇事~所以 examine d box 都冇咩用~
dispatches 應是 dipatched 吧...(無論如何都不會是simple present...)
strawberries dipatched 已等於 strawberries which were dipatched...
rotten / crushed: 睇你想佢係變壞定壓壞~

As our restaurant will have a grand opening in March,__we urge for__some replacement strawberries within this month.
urge [強烈要求]: 擺明係人地唔o岩~ 可以語氣強硬d~

Please give this metter your immediate attention.I __am looking forward to hearing [the decision]__from you soon.
就咁 hearing 其實都得~ 不過通常投訴信都要求對方有明確的答覆...

2009-03-24 04:32:05 補充:
Hope this helps~~ =]
2009-03-24 4:58 am
Dear Sir/Madam


I am____WRITING TO EXPRESS MY DISSATISFACTION OF_____some strawberries your company sent to me.

We__HAD OFFERED___500 boxes of French strawberries from your company on Friday,February 23,2007.When we examined___THOSE BOXES WHICH WERE___dispatched by your staff last night,____WE OBSERVED THAT___most of them were______ ROTTEN__________.

As our restaurant will have a grand opening in March,___WE EXTREMELY NEED ____some replacement strawberries within this month.

Please give this metter your immediate attention.I ___AM LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING___from you soon.
參考: myself

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