ABRS - Diploma in Admin. Manag

2009-03-24 1:07 am
ABRS - Advance Diploma in Administrative Management

F.5 gradu. with 10 years working experience , plan to take a shortest & cheapest diploma and degree progame.
Anyone take this programme before , can give me some comment or advice.

Thanks ~

回答 (3)

2009-03-26 9:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm also same case with you, also is F.5 gradu, and 15 year work exp, now I'm taking one part-time degree couse, if you have the Advance Diploma, you also can take accreditation, around 6-9 months can got the degree, the couse fee only 30K-50K, you also select online study or classroom study, because everyone may have the job can't to take much time to take a lesson, online lesson can 24hr to take a lesson. if you want get more for the school detail, I'm can send the school information to you.
2009-03-24 2:01 am

五gradu 。與10年工作經驗,計劃以最短及最便宜的文憑和學位progame 。

2009-03-24 1:58 am

1998年度諾貝爾醫學得主LOUISIGNARRO 博土研發夜寧新。(MY BLOG)

MY BLOG:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ChongMeiHung2

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我做文職, 133磅, 用簡單經濟方法!减咗22磅,改善頭痛,胃痛,暈車浪, 靜脈曲脹.

個女14歲三個月減20磅.改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血,暗瘡問題,讀書好咗, 仲拿第一添.

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