
2009-03-24 12:52 am
The recent Labour Tribunal decision involving a claim made by three Cathay Pacific flight attendants illustrates the application of the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance2007 (‘Amendment Ordinance’) which came into force on 13 July 2007.The aim of the legislation is, in part ,to ensure that business are better equipped to determine which payments to employees should (and should not) be included in the Calculation of “wages” when determining pay for certain statutory entitlements. InSpite of this ,the Amendment Ordinance appears to have left a number of questions unanswered.

By way of background, the facts and outcome of the decision was as follows. Three Cathay Pacific flight attendants claimed against the airline over their holiday pay entitlements from 2002 to 2008 and had a partial victory in the Labour Tribunal. The Tribunal ruled that line-duty and ground duty allowances, and commission earned from selling duty-free goods (where applicable)should be included in the calculation of holiday pay. However, the Tribunal ruled in the airline’s favor that it does not need to include the overnight or out-port allowances, which flight attendants were paid to cover expenses incurred while they stay overseas between flights, because they were sums payable to the employee to defray special expenses incurred by him by the nature of his employment and therefore were not ‘wages’ for the purpose of calculation of holiday pay.

回答 (3)

2009-03-24 1:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最近勞工法庭就著三位國泰空中服務員索償[案件]的裁決,正說明了於2007年7月13日起生交的《2007 年僱傭 (修訂) 條例》( [簡稱] "修訂條例")。
該立法的部份目的,是為了確保商界在考慮給員工享用法定福利 / 津貼時,能為決定哪些付給員工的款項應該(及不應該)計算在「工資」當中,作出更好的裝備 / 預備。


Hope this helps~~
2009-03-24 8:09 am
介入要求的最近辛苦法庭決定提出由三名國泰航空空服员說明就業(校正) Ordinance2007 (`生效在7月13日立法的2007.The目標的,一部分,保证的校正Ordinance')應用事務更好被裝備確定對雇員的哪些付款如果(和不要應該)包括在「薪水的」演算,当確定某些法律權利的时薪水。 竟管此,校正法令看上去留给一定數量的問題未回答。通過背景,決定的事實和結果如下是。三名國泰航空空服员被要求反對在他們的节日工资權利的航空公司從2002年到2008年和有一次部份勝利在辛苦法庭。法庭裁决從賣免稅物品贏得的線義務和地面在节日工资的演算應該包括義務容限和委員會(哪里可適用)。然而,法庭統治了作为航空公司的厚待它不需要包括隔夜或口岸容限,空服员被支付承担費用招致,当他們停留國外在飛行之間时,因為他們是總和付得起對雇員支付他招致的特別费用由他的就業的本质并且不是`薪水的為节日工资的演算的目的。
2009-03-24 1:53 am
最近的勞資審裁處的決定提出的索賠涉及三個國泰空姐說明適用僱傭(修訂) Ordinance2007 ( '修訂條例)生效的7月13日2007.立法目的是,部分以確保企業都有更好的裝備,以確定哪些應支付給僱員(不應該)列入計算的“工資”時,確定支付一定的法定權益。 InSpite為此,修訂條例似乎留下了一些沒有回答的問題。

作為背景,事實和結果,決定如下。三國泰空姐聲稱對航空公司對自己的假日工資待遇2002至2008年進行了部分勝利,勞資審裁處。法庭裁定,線路和地面工作地點工作地點津貼,所賺取佣金銷售免稅貨物(如適用)應包括在計算假日薪酬。然而,法庭裁定該航空公司的青睞,它並不需要包括隔夜或端口津貼,其中乘務員支付支付費用,而他們留在國外的航班,因為他們款項支付給該僱員以支付特別費用由他的性質,他的就業,因此並沒有'工資' ,目的是計算假日薪酬。

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