
2009-03-23 11:58 pm
Ensuring compliance with severance calculations
Staff who are laid off are entitled to severance. The Employment Contracts Law(ECL) has increased the complexityin calculating severance compensation. Generally, an employee should receive severance based on the number of consecutive years worked with the employer at the rate of one month's average monthly wage for each year of service. The employee's "average monthly wage" is based on the employee's total wages for the twelve months immediately preceding the employee's termination, including all cash payments such as commissions, allowances, bonuses, subsidies, etc. In addition, employers must round up and partial period of employment of six months or more to one year, thereby entitling the employee to a month of wages. Any period of less than six months entitles the employee to one-half of his/her monthly wage.

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2009-03-24 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
工作人員誰是下崗有權遣散。僱用合同法(發光) ,增加了complexityin計算遣散補償。一般來說,僱員應得到遣散的基礎上的連續工齡與雇主的速度在1個月的月平均工資每年的服務。僱員的“月平均工資”是根據員工的工資總額為12個月前僱員的終止,包括所有的現金支付,如佣金,津貼,獎金,補貼等此外,雇主必須全面上漲和部分期就業六個月或更長時間為一年,從而有權員工一個月的工資。任何時期的不到6個月有權僱員有一半的他/她的月工資。
2009-03-24 1:06 am
被解雇的職員有資格獲得切斷。 就業合同法律(ECL)增加了complexityin計算的切斷報償。通常,雇員應該接受根據連貫歲月的數量的切斷工作與雇主以一個月的平均月工資的率為每年的服務。 雇員的「平均月工資"根據雇員的總薪水為十二個月在雇員的終止前,包括所有現金支付例如委員會、容限、獎金、補貼等等。 另外,雇主必須環繞和到一年,從而給權雇員的六個月或更多的就業的部份期間對一個月薪水。 少於六個月的任何期間給權雇員到他/她的月工資的一半.

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