
2009-03-23 10:43 pm
我想見 Receptionist, 其實都有一份求職信,不過內容係上年畢業的~

"自香港專業教育學院高級文憑畢業後, 便加入了 xxx 公司任職業務助理大約1年左右. 本人負責處理公司的各項出入貨程序,報關,接聽客戶電話及公司其他事務.汲取了不少有關辦公室的經驗從中培養了良好的溝通技巧及組織能力.倘若有機會加入貴公司工作,本人定能為貴公司作出貢獻。 "

麻煩幫幫手將這段翻譯做英文,thank you so much!

回答 (2)

2009-03-23 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Since 2xxx year I have completed my Higher Diploma at Hong Kong Professional Education Institution and I worked as sales assistant at Xxx Company for 1 year. My duty is to handle both the import and export document, declaration, correspond with customers enquires as well as the general admin work. From the working experience I gained, I posses an outstanding commutation skill and organizing skill. I would really appreciate an opportunity to work for your company and I will offer you my best effort for the job.

2009-03-23 15:47:19 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-03-23 10:52 pm
After Hong Kong Professional education Institute high-quality diploma graduation, then joined xxx company to hold an office the operation assistant about about 1 year. Myself am responsible to process company's each difference goods procedure, the declaration, the answering customer telephone and company other business. Derived many related office experiences to raise the good communication skill and the organizing faculty. If has the opportunity to join your firm work, myself can make the contribution surely for your firm. "
參考: me

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