
2009-03-23 10:26 pm

xox, my dog is nearly 7mths now. I've got him some chewy toys like teeth gums etc, he loves them and he is biting and chewing when play with the toys just when it comes to eating he's very fast and rush.

回答 (3)

2009-03-26 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
我狗狗都係食咩都好急好快,刷牙骨、牛皮骨唔洗幾分鐘就無晒,係狗狗既習慣,應該唔會咁易啃親既,唔洗咁擔心 ~

6個幾月大連牙仔都未換?!應該係換緊牙既時候,狗狗都會在4個月開始換牙,1歲左右就完成換牙過程袈喇 ~

你試下買d玩具咬咬骨 / 繩結玩具 / 軟公仔玩具俾狗狗玩,佢會邊玩邊咬架,咬咬下你可能會見倒佢有幾隻牙會掉下 ~

參考: 養過3隻狗狗
2009-03-24 1:10 am
您好, 我推薦您一個關于寵物養護的資源網站,上面有很多很不錯的資源,肯定會對您有所幫助。


2009-03-23 10:37 pm
it is normal for some of the dogs don't chew and just swallow. they are just born like that. may i know how old is your dog now? to de-sex a dog, usually happen around 6 months old.
i think the reason that you dog grow slow is because it doesn't chew enough and it does affect some digestion.
but again, it is the dog's nature...

to teach a dog to chew, you may buy it some chewy toy with bacon or any attractive smell to draw his attention. usually dogs chew when they change their teeth....

hope it helps..

參考: my 13 years of dogs experience...

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