不敢”台”慢 個”台”字正字係點寫?

2009-03-22 2:56 am
不敢"台"慢 個"台"字正字係點寫?

回答 (3)

2009-03-22 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you only want how to write this word, i think this is (怠)
these meaning is
(a polite expression used by the host at the end of a reception, etc.) I'm afraid I (or we) have not been a good host.
to neglect; to slight; to cold-shoulder; to give short shrift to; to treat sb. with neglect; to administer a snub to sb.
2009-03-22 3:06 am


2009-03-22 2:59 am
不敢怠慢(This is正字)

2009-03-22 08:59:01 補充:
表示款待客人不周到或有失禮處的客套話.小女不懂事, 若有怠慢之處, 還請多多包涵.

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