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事實上無最好既槍,只有最專業既用家。而淨睇口徑數據,所謂最強左輪手槍係Colt Python,口徑係.357。而最強半自動手槍就係沙漠之鷹(Desert Eagle),口徑係.50 Action Express。對比起Colt Python,Desert Eagle既口徑係大好多,Stopping Power自然比Colt Python高。而事實上係9mm之上仲有.45,Stopping Power比9mm高,所以話9mm最強係無知既表現。最後我都係要重覆一次,世上無最好既槍,只有最專業既用家,就算你得支9mm手槍都未必會死,相反你有支口徑最大既沙漠之鷹亦唔代表你係無敵
2009-03-24 20:44:01 補充:
2009-03-25 20:00:58 補充:
沙漠之鷹2kg,Recoil好強,無可能單手射。有,Glock 18,Burst Fire/Full Auto,Breatta 93R都可以Full Auto。加長左槍管可以加強準確度同埋射程,同時可以加大殺傷力,因為加速嘅時間多咗,火藥燃燒時間越長會越快,速度亦會增加,擊入人體時嘅傷害自然高咗。
2009-03-26 20:36:59 補充:
可唔可以單手射真係因人而異,Breatta 93R同Glock 18都係9mm,咪又係一樣。
2009-03-27 19:41:24 補充:
Grandtom兄你真唔知定假呀?Glock 18當然可以Full Auto喇,Glock 19 "Compact" 就係Semi-Auto。唔知Grandtom兄你住邊個州份呢?
2009-03-28 14:30:58 補充:
2009-03-28 17:42:13 補充:
我實揀Glock 18,而唔會揀92
2009-03-29 13:01:26 補充:
所有手槍都有得揀的話,我會揀.45 ACP M1911。
2009-03-29 17:11:02 補充:
.45,高Stopping power
2009-03-29 17:11:17 補充:
2009-03-29 17:11:41 補充:
2009-03-29 17:11:58 補充:
2009-03-29 17:13:14 補充:
All I want to say is M1911 is durable and has high stopping power!
2009-03-29 22:01:59 補充:
Since Yahoo has problem about Chinese output, so I use English, forgive my bad grammar. M1911 cannot switch-fire unless you modify yourself.
2009-03-29 22:02:56 補充:
Of cousre Desert Eagle, but it is too heavy son.
2009-03-30 18:58:21 補充:
wlotf321@rocketmail.com, are you serious? 50m effective range for a revolver?
2009-03-30 18:58:24 補充:
Why I don't choose Desert Eagle is becuase it is too heavy, weight of 2kg, almost equal to MP5. The stopping power of Glock 18 is a bit low. If I have to choose a 9mm pistol with switch-fire, why don't I choose MP5? And only .50 BMG sniper rifle can destroy a bomb.
2009-03-31 21:48:33 補充:
Desert Eagle太大支,後座力過強。用M1911可以一槍將一個人打到無還擊之力,但Glock 18唔得,就算有Switch-fire,係要保留彈藥嘅時候都唔會用
2009-04-03 15:28:59 補充:
Desert Eagle係.50,後座力極大。