美國Community College究竟邊間好

2009-03-21 6:29 pm
我個人中五定左係加洲讀,但係唔知選邊間好,現在心儀的Community College如下:
1)Santa Monica College
2)Pasadena City College
3)El camino college

1)亞州or international人比列
5)邊間升到好大學(e.g UCLA....)

其實我係想讀好啲,亞州or international要有,但唔好全校都係

回答 (3)

2009-03-22 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) If you choose California (all 3 colleges are in Southern California) and a large metropolitan area, expect that you will easier see Asian and international students easily. In average, their ratio will be 15-20%.

2) All 3 colleges charge similarly, about $6000 per year for tuition only.

3) Above 550 or 153 CBT will be better. Lower score is case by case.

4) Don't know until you take one.

5) SMC has a better chance. But again, it depends on how you study. Not the school. SMC has a better chance because it is a historical factor that a lot of SMC students did get transferred to UCLA and USC.

6) Basically Wild Chicken University is defined as the school that people don't know. So definitely, schools like USC, UCLA, SMC are not.

2009-03-21 8:07 pm
all the community college in USA are for student with average GPA but still want the college education. so it is not really matter which one is better than others.
noramlly, all colleges in US must have Asian student. but because the size od school are kind of large and everyone study different classes in different days. it is not that easy to meet the same group of student all the time. you are mostly is on your own.
tuition, you will pay the foreign study fare. average is 25,000 USD a year if you live in a dorm.
yes, most college required foreign student with Teofl exam.
if you can finished the community college with 3.0 or above GPA, you should no problem to apply some good 4 year college.
USA have over 600 colleges, it is hard to tell you which one is good or bad. come experience yourself when you got here.
參考: live in Us over 30 yrs.
2009-03-21 6:38 pm
From what I know, PCC is the best among all 3 given. I don't know much about the information you asked. However, you can check its website for more information. All 3 colleges will have a very diversified environment with PCC having more Asians (Mandarin spoken).

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