Can we chat or type , while playing wii online?

2009-03-20 11:20 pm
If yes, how?

回答 (7)

2009-03-20 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We can chat, but not type.
If you have Wii Speak then you can chat online but only while playing Animal Crossing: City Folk (which is currently the only game on the market that is compatible with Wii Speak).

The Conduit is said to use Wii Speak during online play which will be released on June 9, 2009 in America.

The only way we can type to others is to use the on-screen keyboard or a USB keyboard via a USB port to send messages; but this cannot be done during online play (even though you still have to be connected to Wi-Fi to do this).
2016-10-25 4:24 pm
Xbox 360. My uncle has the PS3 and he would not use it and he prefers the Wii to it. I actually have both the Wii and the 360 and the 360 is a lot extra exciting. It has the total video games out of each and every of the consoles and Xbox stay is really really worth the money. The Wii is intuitive and interactive, even if the remotes are not used to their complete ability and the video games are lame. I actually have spent extra time playing 360 contained in the first week than i have performed on my Wii in entire. i have had my Wii for 2 Months and my Xbox for 2 weeks. The Xbox is a much more beneficial determination.
2009-03-21 12:03 am
i do not think you can chat on the wii ps i am cool
2009-03-21 12:02 am
Only in animal crossing with wii speak.
2009-03-20 11:36 pm
If you're playing AC:CF, you can use a Wii Speak accessory to talk to other AC:CF players. If you don't have a Wii Speak, you can plug any standard USB keyboard into the back of your Wii, and use that to type out messages instead. You can also use a keyboard to type Wii Message Board messages, as well as on the Internet Channel.

The Conduit is the only other game announced that will use the Wii Speak in-game. There will probably be more on the way as well.
2009-03-20 11:26 pm
You can chat on Animal Crossing City Folker it uses Wii speak.That's the only game that can use it for now Later The Conduit will also let you use it during online gameplay.
2009-03-20 11:42 pm
yes you can plug in a keyboard or just type with the remote

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