RuneScape Money Making(15pts)

2009-03-21 6:17 am
How to make money fastest???
Combat - 16
Attack - 11
Strength - 10
Defence - 10
Range - 2
Prayer - 9
Magic - 4

回答 (4)

2009-03-27 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以去牛場打牛,有很多$$(不太好,因為你level 太低)
最好你升左mining或woodcutting level 先
如果你給我分,我帶你去make $$
redxdragon name: redxdragon78(cb:102)
話捚比我知你runescape 名

2009-03-29 18:22:47 補充:
i hope i can help u to be a rich man=]
參考: 我本人, 我本人
2009-03-22 10:09 pm
You should go to the barbarian village, where u can do the security stronghold down the hole in the centre. barbarian village is just next to varrock. You should prepare some food like shrimps and run all the way through the stronghold to the middle. there are 4 levels, the last level have the highest lvl monster, like lvl 80 and 70. But u don't need to afraid, u can hide behind the doors so that the monster can't atk you. u can get 10K (10000) after completing the stronghold and get a pair of fighting boots, too!(or rainbow boot). this website can help u a lot.
2009-03-22 9:26 pm is hard to answer your
there are some ways that you can get money fast,

1) kill cows and get cow hide and sell in Exchange(follow the path that in varrock's big bank, northwest of big bank)

2) take bones and sell in Exchange

3) go to wildness to get choas rune and sell in Exchange

4) chop tree and sell in Exchange

1) is the easiest

2) is easy

3) is the most hard

4) is ok
參考: My expreience (my lvl 8*)
2009-03-22 3:51 pm
At your level and stats you already have, the best way to make money is to kill cows in lumbridge and then sell the cowhides in the desert bank.
參考:,, me

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 14:05:42
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