In / At 的用法

2009-03-20 11:55 pm
我想問In the front 同 At the front 有咩分別?
仲有, 我睇書寫:
" Gary is at the cinema. He is sitting in the back row."
" We were at the back , so we couldn't see very well."
我真係唔明點解一句用At , 另一句就用 In?

回答 (3)

2009-03-29 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
[1] 時間介系詞:at,in,on

※ 指一天裡的特定時間或時段

at + 時間 ( at 6 o`clock )

at + 時間 ( at 11:45 )

at + 時段 ( at midnight )

at + 時段 ( at lunchtime )

at + 時段 ( at sunset )

at + 時段 ( at weekend )

※ 指特定的日期或節日

on + 日期 ( on Monday )

on + 日期 ( on 12 May 1981 )

on + 特定節日 ( on Thanksgiving Day )

on + 特定節日 ( on my birthday )

※ 指特定月份、年份、季節、時段

in + 月份 ( in October )

in + 年份 ( in 1986 )

in + 年份 ( in the 18th century )

in + 季節 ( in the winter --- the可省略 )

in + 時段 ( in the past )

in + 時段 ( in the future --- the可省略 )

[2] 位置介係詞:at,in,on

in + 城市 ( in Taipei )

in + 國家 ( in Canada )

※ 指某些事件

at + 事件 ( at the party )

at + 事件 ( at the concert )

at + 事件 ( at the conference )

※ 指位於某些地點

at + 地點 ( at home )

at + 地點 ( at school )

at + 地點 ( at college )

※ 指某些建築物或裡面發生的事件

at + 建築物 ( at the airport ) --- 談到在建築物裡發生的事件可用at

in + 建築物 ( in the cinema ) --- 談到建築物本身時可用in

※ 指搭乘交通工具

on + 交通工具 ( on a bus )

on + 交通工具 ( on a train )

on + 交通工具 ( on a plane )

on + 交通工具 ( on a ship )

on + 交通工具 ( on a bicycle )

on + 交通工具 ( on a motorcycle )

on + 交通工具 ( on a horse )

in + 交通工具 ( in a car )

in + 交通工具 ( in a taxi )

[3] 其他用法:in,on

※ 指某些特定事件

on + 特定事件 ( on holiday )

on + 特定事件 ( on a trip )

on + 特定事件 ( on a tour )

on + 特定事件 ( on a cruise )

on + 特定事件 ( on television )

on + 特定事件 ( on the radio )

on + 特定事件 ( on the phone )

on + 特定事件 ( on strike )

on + 特定事件 ( on a diet )

on + 特定事件 ( on fire )

in + 氣候 ( in the rain )

in + 氣候 ( in the sun )

in + 狀態 ( in love )

in + 付款方式 ( in cash )

in + 個人意見 ( in my opinion )

【介系詞 at 、on 、in +地點/位置 之比較】

[at] 強調場所中的「點」,[on] 強調場所中的「面」及「線」,[in]強調場所中的「立體空間」。

2009-03-28 23:08:28 補充:

(1)[at] 強調場所/位置中的「點」: at 通常用來表示可視為"一點"的場所,即使地方大,只要說話人將其視為"一點",則可用at。

(2)[on] 強調場所/位置中的「面」及「線」: 指在....(面)上,在.....(路線)上

(3)[in]強調場所/位置中的「立體空間」: in通常用來表示在某空間之內,不論地點大小,只要說話者著眼於"空間 (在.....裡)",即用in。
2009-04-05 2:42 pm
2009-03-31 10:13 am
It is because you are talking about "the back row" in the first sentence.

We ususally use ''in'' before "rows", "columns"...
It has nothing do with the word "back", you can also use the perposition"in" for "the first row", "the row over there"...

Therefore, "in" is used in the first one.

However, you are simply talking about "the back", which is usually used as a phrase showing the meaning of "not in front". Therefore, we use "at" for the the 2nd sentence since we commonly use "at" before the back.

So, in conclusion, though the word "back" appears in both sentences, but they are bascially different since they are in fact "the back row" and "the back", so different prepositions is uesd

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