請解釋一段關於HK Airport報導的英文文法

2009-03-21 7:41 am
1.為什麼...is stisfying 後要接it's...這裡的it是指什麼?
Hong Kong International Airport is winner of World's Best Airport title for the 7th time in ten years. To retain this title among such strong competition is clear testament to an airport that is satisfying it's customers at the highest level, and demonstrating a true commitment to service excellence.

Judi, 我有點搞不清楚了, 因為原文的確是寫it's, 原文網址如下: http://www.worldairportawards.com/

回答 (6)

2009-03-21 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
... To retain this title among such strong competition is clear testament to an airport that is satisfying it's customers at the highest level, and demonstrating a true commitment to service excellence.

1..為什麼...is stisfying 後要接it's...這裡的it是指什麼?
回答:你這裡的 it's 打錯了,它應該是 its,是 it 的所有格。it 代名詞,指前面的關係代名詞 that,而 that 則是被用來指它的先行詞 airport,所以,總而言之,its 代名詞所有格,指 "機場的" ,它的後面接名詞 customers 當受詞,解釋為: "機場裡的客人"。

回答:這裡不能改用 which ,如果你是想用關係代名詞,它必須緊跟在先行詞後面,但這句的形容詞子句裡已經有關係代名詞 that 了,再放 which 是錯的,何況,its 是所有格,其對應的關係代名詞是 whose,也不是 which。

你倒是可以把 that 換成 which,把原句變成:To retain this title among such strong competition is clear testament to an airport which is satisfying its customers at the highest level, ...
參考: 自己
2009-03-28 7:27 am
2009-03-21 12:45 pm
To retain this title among such strong competition => Subject

is => verb.

clear testament to an airport => subject complement.主詞補語.

2009-03-21 04:45:31 補充:
that is satisfying its customers at the highest level, and demonstrating a true commitment to service excellence.
=> an adjective clause 形容詞子句 used to modify the noun " an airport".

it's => is a typo. It should be "its" => meaning the airport's customers.
2009-03-21 10:17 am
我有不同意見提供參考 :
1. "To retain this title among such strong competition is clear testament to an airport that is satisfying" 整段就是 "it". it's = it is. 不等於its. 整句話意思是:
在激烈競爭中要保持這個頭銜(World's Best Airport )的符合標準充分證據, 對機場來說就是乘客量維持在高檔, 以及優質服務承諾的證明.
2. it 代表整段, 所以which應可替代, 但分句標點修改如下建議:
To retain this title among such strong competition is clear testament to an airport that is satisfying, which is customers at the highest level and demonstrating a true commitment to service excellence.

Good Luck!
參考: me and hope to help you
2009-03-21 8:46 am
an airport that is satisfying it's customers....
意思是它(機场) 能满足顧客的需求.
satisfying who?
satisfying it's customers....
it's customers = 機场的顧客
it 是用在非人的身上, 不能用 his, hers, theirs
猫可以用 it.
Eg. The cat is eating it's fish.
whose fish, it's fish (猫的魚).

2009-03-21 00:49:39 補充:

satisfying it's customers 变成: satisfying which customers?

2009-03-21 8:14 am
這裡的it 指的是airport

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