
2009-03-20 7:36 am
Guys! I Nalini, the team's site here in November last year, sent a letter to Rob, a letter praising his work and praising the person Robert, no declarations of love. Along with the letter sent a book of poetry to him and asked him to autograph a photo of him that I was sent with the letter. I always had a fund of hope he gets it, but almost zero that I would see that photo autographed one day. Now the afternoon, came home and there was a letter waiting for me ... my address with a letter written by hand and was in London. I have a question mark on the forehead, since I forgot most of the letter!
When I opened! PEOPLE! "There was! a beautiful picture of Rob autographed with my name and picture dobradinha was that I had sent, also autographed!
So wanted to share with you, as many ask us by email. Proven, guys: it actually receives the letters people! *-*


回答 (3)

2009-03-24 7:50 am
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人! 我Nalini, team' s站點這裡在去年11月,送信件到Rob,信件稱讚他的工作和稱讚人羅伯特,沒有愛的聲明。與信一起被送詩歌書到他和要求他親筆簽名照片他我送了與信件。 我總是有他得到它希望的資金,但是我看見的差不多零照片親筆了簽名一天。现在下午,回家了,并且有等待我的信件…我的與用手書面的信的地址并且在倫敦。 因为我忘記了大多数信件,我有在前額的一個问号! 當我打開了! 人们! " 有! Rob的一張美好的圖片親筆簽名與我的名字和圖片dobradinha是我送了,也親筆簽名! 因此想與您分享,許多由電子郵件要求我們。 证明,人: 它實際上接受信件人民!
參考: 自己
2009-03-24 3:05 am
傢伙!I Nalini ,球隊的網站在去年11月致函羅布,信中稱讚他的工作,並讚揚人羅伯特,沒有申報的愛情。隨著致函一本書給他的詩詞,並要求他簽名的照片,他說,我的信寄出。我總是有一個基金,他希望得到它,但幾乎為零,我會看到,照片親筆簽名的一天。現在下午,回到家,有一個信等著我...我的地址的信件另一方面是在倫敦。我有一個問號的額頭,因為我忘了大部分的信!
當我打開!人們! “有!一個美麗的圖片羅布簽名與我的名字和圖片dobradinha是,我已發送,還親筆簽名!
所以想與大家分享,因為許多要求我們通過電子郵件。證明人:它實際上收到信件的人! *-*
2009-03-20 7:02 pm

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