
2009-03-19 9:53 pm
1. )請問係加拿大結婚係咪搵個証婚人主持簽名就得呀 ? 需唔需要去教堂或就咁係屋企攪都可以嗎 ?
2.) 咁係咪簽完就可以拿住黎張去申請夫婦團聚呢 ?
3.) 有什麼文件需要遞交呢 ?

回答 (2)

2009-03-21 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you need to regester first. then make a appointment go to the office of marriage or court house or church or local manlicple office..... to get marry. witness is not important but the offical singnature and seal are.
the marriage will mail to you in couple weeks. becaus eit takes time to file in the department. then you can file the purpoes application to the immigrantion office.
the appliaction form have all the requstments.
2009-03-29 9:01 am

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