意見者: layeeeng ( 小學級 5 級 )
發表時間: 2009-01-19 14:17:51
[ 檢舉 ] 013 的保護動物者
...there have ANY commas...?
癲狗吠到傻咗呀? .........I am nice to those who treat me well and I can be nasty to those who attack me and my friends with new Yahoo IDs.
2009-03-23 13:40:44 補充:
hahatse ( 博士級 1 級) , have I ever insulted you?
You are nice to me. Why should I?
You guys should really go into this guy's profile and see when and why he got this ID.
2009-03-23 13:42:13 補充:
I am not a saint! I am just a human being.
When I get attacked, I fight back.
2009-03-23 13:45:52 補充:
To Amy Cheng ( 知識長 ), my profile has been open ever since the day
I started answering questions on Yahoo.
I would like to invite you to go there and have a look at my posts.
I really cannot remember when I insulted an innocent person.
2009-03-23 13:48:53 補充:
In conclusion, I don't think fighting back and protecting those who support me would be wrong.
2009-03-23 14:03:43 補充:
Layneeng's profile! Please check out the questions he asked
and the questions he answered.
You guys will know what he has been doing to me and my friends.
2009-03-23 14:08:40 補充:
有人又自認中文差, 以為咁樣就可以變做英文人, 高人一等, 真可悲!!
"002, I am sorry, pal. My Chinese is bad. Would you try to answer my question in English? " ( a new attack)
I grew up in the U.K. My Chinese is really bad. It is all true.
2009-03-23 14:08:47 補充:
I am not trying to act like I am different from others whatsoever!
( I often have to ask someone to type in Chinese for me on Yahoo.)
2009-03-23 14:09:31 補充:
For those trolls, you may say whatever you want to say!
Justice will prevail!
2009-03-24 17:15:40 補充:
Did I say I always protect those who often make mistakes, Layneeng?
When I am attacked by people like you non-stop, I fight back.<-----
I protect those who support me when I am under attack.<-------
You really cannot understand anything I have typed here!
2009-03-24 17:19:16 補充:
意見者: layeeeng ( 小學級 5 級 ), how dare you talked about triads in this forum? Sigh!
You are talking like a saint around here. Why don't you ask yourself three simple question? What is this ID" layneeng" used for?
2009-03-24 17:19:22 補充:
Have you ever answered one single question with this ID?
How come you cannot face us all with your true ID?
People who stab people in the back are trolls!
2009-03-24 17:21:18 補充:
Do you know how to show people some respect when you want to have a say huh?
係佢地笨X啫, 抵X死既! <------------
有雷氣!!! <-------------
2009-03-24 17:27:37 補充:
What is "假鬼佬", layneeng?
2009-03-24 17:28:35 補充:
係佢地笨X啫, 抵X死既! What do these two X's stand for?
2009-03-24 17:30:05 補充:
Are you insinuating that you have every right to swear? If I swear back, I will be a bad egg?
2009-03-24 17:30:35 補充:
2009-03-24 17:38:48 補充:
You keep criticizing people's grammatical mistakes in CANTONESE with a secret ID.
That's why I challenged you to type in English.
2009-03-24 17:39:15 補充:
(I doubted your English standard) Nothing really matters now anyway! I have decided to leave this forum. I just hope that
you will learn how to show people some respect before you act like a good man who tends to use foul language.
2009-03-24 17:40:22 補充:
成日要人用英文隻揪, 好勇鬥狠, <--------I only asked YOU to do that because you have been so annoying!
2009-03-24 17:45:21 補充:
我就想, 但有很多人是有不同目的, 例如要威, 要有地位, 要收學生!
( This is your statement.)
You should really think before you type!
2009-03-24 17:48:44 補充:
你指出whatiswhat24被攻擊, 但你知否他咒駡人時的勇態呢?
I have NEVER cussed any innocent people on Yahoo!
I said that to YOU because you had been attacking me and my friends!
2009-03-24 17:55:01 補充:
成日要人用英文隻揪, 好勇鬥狠, <--------I only asked YOU to do that because you were attacking me with your pretty foul language.
2009-03-24 18:17:17 補充:
By the way, you have never made me mad, layneeng.
I just want everyone to know there are people like you on Yahoo before leaving this forum for good. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!