
2009-03-19 9:56 am

1) 有人放屁嗎??

2) 等等..我好急..比我去先...我要爆大..

3) 我隻八哥塊面好臭..

補充: 八哥 係狗仔黎的 好似英文係Pug.


美國人習慣會點講..? 那個版本?


八哥個樣... http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2243/2172586068_c338117bf7.jpg

回答 (5)

2009-03-19 10:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Are there anybody farting?

(2) Wait ! I am in a hurry. Let me first. I need to shit.

(3) My myna's face smells quite odor.

2009-03-19 02:53:07 補充:
***** 係 " s-h-i-t " (唔好意思, 比 yahoo censor 佐 ! )

2009-03-19 02:56:11 補充:
" s-h-i-t " 可以解 "去大便", according to yahoo dictionary !
唔一定係 foul language
2009-04-01 8:50 am
1) Did someone fart?

2.) Wait… I'm in hurry… let me go first… I need to go number 2..

3.) My pug's face smells really bad.

(number 1 = pee, number 2 = poo, tat's wat i usually say)

hope this helps, cheers :)
2009-03-19 6:46 pm
係一種狗....香港人叫八哥 . 外國人叫Pug. 台灣人叫哈巴狗

2009-03-19 10:58:22 補充:

2009-03-19 2:46 pm
1) Did anyone fart?
2) Wait (a second)... I need to go... Let me go first... I need a poo...
3) My myna's (bird's) face stinks!
2009-03-19 11:22 am
What is "隻八哥塊面"?

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