
2009-03-19 8:23 am

1.what is the antigen used in the antibody production in rabbit?

2.which testing chemical(s) shows the antibody-antigen reaction?

3.how do you know that there are antibody-antigen reactions in the gel matrix?

4.Did the antibody react with other testing testing chemicals?Name the antigen(s).

5.draw a diagram to show why the antibody-antigen reactions are seen in the gel matrix.

6.In the hel matrix,antibody and antigen diffused towards each other.why did the phenomenon you mentioned in (3) occur in the gel between two wells?

7. If cross-linkage of 'antigen binding receptors' on B cell surface by antigens is required for B cell activation and antibody production,what lesson you leaned from item ( 6 ) for antibody production in animals?

8.What are the advantages and limitations of using immuno-double diffusion to characterize antigens?

9.Based on what you learnt from this experiment,design an assay to check for for disease marker from patient?

10. If the phenomenon you mentioned in (3) did not occur,what conclusion from this experiment you can make?


回答 (2)

2009-03-19 12:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.what is the antigen used in the antibody production in rabbit?

2.which testing chemical(s) shows the antibody-antigen reaction?
哪一種(/些)測試的化學物顯示到抗體 - 抗原反應?

3.how do you know that there are antibody-antigen reactions in the gel matrix?
你怎知道在凝膠基質(i.e.那pat gel)裏有抗體 - 抗原反應?

4.Did the antibody react with other testing testing chemicals?Name the antigen(s).

5.draw a diagram to show why the antibody-antigen reactions are seen in the gel matrix.
畫圖顯示為何抗體 - 抗原反應會在凝膠基質被看見。

6.In the hel matrix,antibody and antigen diffused towards each other.why did the phenomenon you mentioned in (3) occur in the gel between two wells?

7. If cross-linkage of 'antigen binding receptors' on B cell surface by antigens is required for B cell activation and antibody production,what lesson you leaned from item ( 6 ) for antibody production in animals?

8.What are the advantages and limitations of using immuno-double diffusion to characterize antigens?

9.Based on what you learnt from this experiment,design an assay to check for for disease marker from patient?

10. If the phenomenon you mentioned in (3) did not occur,what conclusion from this experiment you can make?



Hope this helps~~ =]
參考: yahoo 字典 + myself
2009-03-19 11:55 am
Some of those questions cannot be answered without referencing your textbook. Take question 1, for example, there can be many different types of antigens used to produce antibodies, depending on what antibodies you want to produce. Do you have a textbook online for reference?

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