How often do we need to clean the Wii lens?

2009-03-19 1:38 am

回答 (3)

2009-03-19 11:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not true.

I have the official Nintendo Wii Lens Cleaning Kit and I would recommend cleaning your Wii laser after every 10th disc inserted.

You DO NOT have to send your console to Nintendo to be cleaned and you can do it yourself :)
參考: Personal Experience and also being an owner of the Official Nintendo WII Lens Cleaning Kit helps :)
2009-03-19 2:01 am
never. you are not supposed to clean it. the only time it is cleaned is when it warns you... nintendo will have to clean it for you.
2009-03-19 1:52 am
I never have and it works fine...

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