correction english grammar

2009-03-19 3:00 am
1.parent is children a model

2. if parents do not honest children will feel hate and children to follow their parents dishonesty

3.會令children unbelieve parent

4.不誠實對孩子 , 他們感覺會被欺騙


回答 (3)

2009-03-19 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wow, both the question and the answer are scary! They're all wrong.

1.parent is children a model

Correct: Parents are role models for their children.

2. if parents do not honest children will feel hate and children to follow their parents dishonesty

Correct: (honest 是形容詞﹐之前一定要用verb-to-be)
If parents are not honest, children will feel hate toward them and may copy their parents' dishonesty.

3.會令children unbelieve parent

Correct: (是沒有 "unbelieve" 這字的﹐只有 "unbelievable".)
......will cause children to disbelieve their parents.

4.不誠實對孩子 , 他們感覺會被欺騙

Correct: (in Chinese) - 對孩子不誠實﹐他們是會感覺到被欺騙的。
(in English) - Children can actually perceive their parents' duplicity.


Correct: (in Chinese) - 家長對孩子誠實才會受到尊重。
(in English) - Parents will be respected only if they are honest to their children.


2009-03-18 20:43:29 補充:
The grammar is seriously wrong here too. Those who provide answers should make sure they are strong in the related areas before publishing their answers. 否則好心做壞事﹐敬請垂注。
參考: a translator myself
2009-03-31 12:17 pm
hate 除了可以用作動詞, 亦可以係是名詞

其實, 毎一個字都多數不只一個詞性, 用法或者意思, 我地通常都只學了其少部份. 多D査字典, 就會發掘到更多有用的知識啦!
2009-03-19 3:23 am
1.parent is a model of the children.

2.if the parents do not honet to the children,they will feel haye and

the children will follow their parent. will make their children be unbelieve to the parent.


參考: 自己

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