F1 maths 1題

2009-03-18 7:29 pm
Mary goes to school and returns home by bus or MTR. It is given that total fare for 3 bus trips is equal to 5 MTR trips.

Mary travelled by bus 4 times and by MTR 6 times to and from school last week. If the total bus fare was $38, find the MTR fare for each trip.

多謝解答` ovo

回答 (4)

2009-03-18 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let B be the bus fare and M be the MTR fare, then
3B = 5M
Now, 4B = $38, that is
B=$38 / 4 = $9.5
Back to the start, that 3B = 5M,
we have 3 x $9.5 = 5M
and M = 3 x $9.5 / 5 = $5.7
The MTR fare for each trip is $5.7
2009-03-19 12:36 am
Let bus trips fare was $A,MTR trips fare was $B.
Therefore bus trips fare was $9.5,MTR trips fare was $5.7 .

I hope I can help you.
參考: My knowledge and your補充
2009-03-18 8:48 pm
先假設巴士一次費用係 X
再假設地鐵費用係 Y
3 bus trips is equal to 5 MTR trips.
3X=5Y (1)
the total bus fare was $38
4X=38 (2)即X=9.5
SO 3X9.5=5Y 即Y=5.7
SO the MTR fare for each trip is $5.7
2009-03-18 7:37 pm
先假設巴士一次費用係 X
再假設地鐵費用係 Y

"total fare for 3 bus trips is equal to 5 MTR trips."
所以 3X = 5Y

而 4 次巴士同六次地鐵加埋用0左 38 蚊

即係 4X + 6Y = 38

淨番0既, 自己試下 solve 啦 (tips 係一程巴士貴過地鐵 2 蚊)

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