
2009-03-18 6:57 pm

係網上獲對方邀請過去美國做保母, 原因係信唔過個邊D保母; 基本佢嘅背景、有幾多小朋友、住邊D資料都話哂我知, 仲比埋travel agent資料又會幫我搞visa...
咁岩本人都失咗業好耐, 表面上呢個好似係個好機會, 但實際上呢? 有冇網友可以冷靜咁幫我分析下or比下意見; 我就唔想因為急住搵工而亂咁撞; 但同時又唔想留係香港坐石山崩!!!

回應網友almond coffee: 係working visa... 你講嘅我都有考慮到...但我上網search過, 個邊因為工作時間長, 多嘢做、節日冇假放、人工低, 所以冇咩華人做保母, 做都响番D華人家庭做...


They haven't say what visa, just I guess is working visa... so what do you thinkwaht is their purpose??

回答 (4)

2009-03-18 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are no more working visa la, the new prs just suspended all the working visa application to stop foreign people taking American jobs. if any immigrant angency tell you now they can is a big lie.
1. also babysitter can not used for working visa anyway.
2. long working hour?---- it is 40 hours a week as standard.
3. no holiday? ---- must has at least 1 day off pre week, plus 10 holiday a year.
4. low salery? ---- normally, babysitter is $5 an hour or up, then each extra child is $3 more, and no more than 5 kids pre family if no baby. if you take care 3 kids, it is $11 x 8 hr=$88 a day, $440 a wk, $1760 a mo. plus the host had to paid your taxes.
there are a lot of Asian women work as babysitter or house keeper job in here. the local Chinese papers are full of those Ad. the cost of house keeper or babysitter ( 1 - 2 kids ) in here is @ $ 2000 to $2300 /m. plus room, transportation fee and food.
if working at American family, the wage is higher.
5. they say can not find a babysitter here, but how do they can trust a total stranger from oversea?

參考: live in US over 30 yrs.
2009-03-19 1:46 pm
You won't be able to get the visa (H-1B, H-2B). Because the first thing of the application is a certificate from the employer to certify your working condition (Labor Condition Agreement, or LCA). Furthermore, the Department of Labor will make determination based on the demand of the target area. Bottom line is there are more supplies than demand.

The most important is it costs at least USD$2,000 to hire a foreign worker.

Even you can get the visa, you don't have to worry about working condition as it must follow the agreement and the prevailing wage of the industry. For that, you have to provide more specific information about it.

2009-03-18 7:19 pm
隔山買牛咁, 總覺有問題, 佢都唔知咁遠請人信唔信得過啦...
除非你在美國有親人接應, 否則唔好輕易相信, 人地俾多多資料都可以作假, travel agent週街都係, 又証明唔到d 咩... 申請咩visa?? working visa? travelling visa?
2009-03-18 7:05 pm
參考: go

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