
2009-03-18 10:03 am
小弟英文好差,想改善吓, 我寫左篇文,希望高手們幫我改下,請話埋比我知我錯左嘅地方,等我知衰d咩,唔該晒!!!!

I have been out of work almost for four months. Actually, I had got several chances of job interview. However, no anyone to hire me. It makes me worry that my money of the account of bank are unceasing reducing. Fortunately, the situation has change eventually. My team leader of the company which I had worked before, he gave me a call to ask me to do a freelance about 3D drawing. Thought I did not know the detail about the freelance job, I still glad to accept it immediately. And I went to the place where the client appoints with. I deal the job smoothly and got a good reward through the negotiation. Finally, I used 4 days to finish it. I hope this is a good start to me. I am looking forward to find a new job at soon at possible.

回答 (3)

2009-03-18 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have been out of work almost for four months.
"for almost four months"會好少少~

Actually, I had got several chances of job interview.

應用have got
留意past perfect只在有比較時用~
(i.e. 兩件同樣以前發生~但其中一件發生得再早d~)

However, no anyone to hire me

no one hired me
no 和 anyone 不會一起用~
普通句式中 noun 和 verb 中間也不會有 to (e.g. I to swim)
除非是"There is no one to hire me"

It makes me worry that my money of the account of bank are unceasing reducing.

It made me worried that...
(這些都已經過去[made]~worried = 令人發愁)
...my money in the bank account... (preposition)
...would be unceasingly reducing.
(那時仍未發生[would]~不能兩個adj同用~總有一個變adv. [unceasingly]~)

Fortunately, the situation has change eventually.
...has changed...

My team leader of the company which I had worked before, he gave me a call to ask me to do a freelance about 3D drawing.
這裏had work用得對~因為在他called你之前已worked過~

My team leader of the company, which I had worked before, gave me a call to ask me to do a freelance about 3D drawing.

"My team leader of the company...he gave me..."
就多左個 he~

Thought I did not know the detail about the freelance job, I still glad to accept it immediately.

...I was still glad to...

And I went to the place where the client appoints with.

Then, I went to the place...

...where the client had appointed.
你去之前個客已appoint~所以又係past perfect~
appoint一個地方~不需要appoint with的~

I deal the job smoothly and got a good reward through the negotiation.
...got the job...

deal with 解處理 / 交易~

I am looking forward to find a new job at soon at possible.

...looking forward to finding...
looking forward to是Phrasal Verb~
(e.g. read => reading)

留意名d grammar的用法~
咁你的英文都會準確d + 多樣化d~~

Hope this helps~~ =]

2009-03-18 02:50:32 補充:
留意名d grammar的用法~
2009-04-07 5:33 am
my name is raymond li
我有一個 賺錢 website請 click 入去看www.sai8000.ws
2009-03-18 12:15 pm
I had been out of work for almost four months. Actually, I had got several chances of job interview, but nobody wanted to hire me. It makes me worry that my money in the bank account will be decreasing. Fortunately, the situation had change eventually. My team leader of my previous company gave me a call, and asked me to do a freelance job about 3D drawing. Although I do not know the details about the freelance job, I was still glad to accept it immediately. And I went to the places where the clients appointed with. I deal with the job smoothly and got a good reward through the negotiations. Finally, I only used four days to finish the project. I hope this is a good start for me. I am looking forward to find a new job as soon as possible.

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