how to act the best in the admission interview "Information technology course? very nervous.?

2009-03-17 7:25 pm
how to act the best in "information technology course interview? very nervous.
The course is about introduction of programming, advanced Microsoft skills eg: designing spreadsheets for others to use).web design, program project and theoretical aspects :how data is stored within the computer into installing an operating system., it says will give us hardware and sofware skills and help us to solve business problems by the use of IT when we finish the course. it says the course is for IT practitioners (software development)
The course has no formal entry qualifications. it says needs a person's ethusiasm and commitment.
(1) i want to pass the interview, but i am nervous, i only have some elementary microsoft skills in word, excel, powerpoint but i use internet explorer , instant messenger everyday for many years.
I do office work such as entering data by using microsoft excel, typing by using Microsoft word. But i do not know any about programming and web design.
what kind of questions do you assume this interview will ask basing on the above course description and the course entry requirement?
(2) how to act the best when i am not very good at computer skills and english is not my first language?
(3) how to describe my computer knowledge to the interviewer?
(4) what questions do you think of will appear in this interview?

(5) what do you think about this course, is it a easy one or an advanced one? there are words like programming, hardware development .....scare me off. seem difficult. what do you think about this course's level? is it difficult for me?

回答 (2)

2009-03-17 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"I'm a bit nervous, Sam. I only have basic Microsoft Office skills, but I really want to learn as much as I can" right at the beginning, after introductions.

Now it's up to the interviewer to make you comfortable. (You're taking control of the interview in a very subtle way, so you can stop being nervous and see what the interviewer does.)

2) How well do you think the interviewer speaks your language? (I never fault a foreigner for not speaking English well, unless I can speak his or her language better than he or she can - and that won't happen in this lifetime.) If the job requires accent-less English, you have a problem - if you speak half as well as you write, relax. The only way I knew that English isn't your first language is that you said so. Most Americans don't write as well as you do. (And I'm an American.)

3) The interviewer should ask you questions that will determine that. "How do you make Word show different headings on different pages?" "How do you fill a column in Excel with the same date all the way down? Two different ways." Etc. (BTW, neither of those two questions are about basic skills - I wouldn't expect you to be able to answer them.)

4) If the interviewer is good? Questions to elicit your current knowledge, your ability to learn and your willingness to learn - nothing you can study for. They want to know you, not someone you make up by studying. I wouldn't be accepted - they'd be wasting their time on me, and I'd be bored (unless I was teaching the course). They don't want someone who knows it already, they want someone who wants to learn it, and has enough basic knowledge that the course material won't be wasted on you. I don't think you'd want to waste your time either, if the course requires a starting knowledge that's way above where you are now.

Relax. If you know enough, and you want enough to learn, you'll be fine. (Don't mention instant messenger - it's irrelevant.)
2016-11-30 7:08 pm
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