English pronounciation question?

2009-03-17 5:26 pm
I've got it.

In this case, do you pronounce "' 've" as a silent "fu" or "fa"?
Thank you.

Also, is there any difference between "we are" and "we're" in terms of pronounciation?

回答 (2)

2009-03-18 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are no 'f's in the pronunciation, it's vuh, so "Eye (I) ve ('ve) ....

here's a link to an english dictionary site, but there's a link that looks like a little speaker that will give you a recording of how you say it.


yes, you're right, "we are" and "we're" sound different!

here's the link with the sound recording of "we're"
it sounds more like "weer"

with we are you pronounce both words exactly as they are, like "wee" and then "arr"
參考: I'm a native English speaker
2009-03-18 12:54 am
I've=jive without the j sound
we are=2 syllables
we're=1 syllable

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