文法題:it is waiting for repair

2009-03-18 7:18 am
我想問依句有無問題 :

the door is waiting for repair, please use the another door to exit.

Thank you jklo911, 咁waiting & awaiting 用法點分?? 麻煩晒!!

回答 (2)

2009-03-18 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
the door has no life, so the door doesn't know how to 'wait'.

The door is out of order, please use another exit.
2009-03-18 8:05 am
我認為你想要講 "awaiting"


The door is awaiting repair, so please exit through the other door.

The door is awaiting repair. Please exit through the other door.


2009-03-18 00:08:13 補充:
門在等候修理。 請使用另一個門離開

2009-03-20 12:37:26 補充:
你考起我 la. :)
You usually use "wait" when your subject is a person waiting for something to happen but that something may or may not happen.
Tom waits. He waits. She waits. I waited and waited but she never showed.

2009-03-20 12:37:58 補充:
You usually use "await" when your subject is a thing and that thing or event is destined to happen. E.g. Death awaits you. The door awaits a fix.

Notice that I said "usually" because there are always exceptions but we won't go there.
參考: 知少少扮代表.

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