中譯英 help~~10pts

2009-03-18 7:09 am
身為青少年的偶像 ,也沒有做好一個榜樣
再者,他身為禁毒大使應該清楚吸毒的害處 , 但他並沒有履行禁毒大使本份 , 還竟然明知故犯。接著 , 一些青少年會模仿他們 , 他這個行為會教壞青少年。


回答 (3)

2009-03-19 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
As a youth icon, but also did not do an example
Furthermore, anti-drug ambassadors to him, as should be clear the harmful effects of drug abuse, but he did not fulfill its part in anti-drug ambassadors, but also even knowingly. Then, some young people will imitate them, teach him the bad behavior of young people
2009-03-19 9:14 am
He did not provide a good modal even though he is the youngsters' idol. Furthermore, as an "Anti-Drugs Ambassador," he is well aware of the detrimental effects of drug addiction, but he did so with knowing that drug is harmful to the people. Hence, some youngsters will imitate them. His behavior will set a bad modal for the youngsters.
2009-03-18 7:34 am
As the idol of the youngster, they didn't make themself as a good modal. They are also the "Beat Drugs Ambassador", so they should know the harm of taking drugs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:10:10
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