會考computer core

2009-03-18 6:03 am
我想問 Network interface card(NIC) 有咩用架? 係咪上網一定要有

我知道 router 係connect LAN or WAN 上網, 而 modem 都係要黎connect internet , 咁係咪有router 就唔使用modem?

回答 (1)

2009-03-25 6:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
NIC - when you form a computer network, each computer need a piece of NIC or wireless NIC. For internet, if you are using broadband, you have to use either NIC or wireless; if dial-up connection (phone line), you can use modem to access to internet.

router is used to connect two or more different networks together. forhome usage, yes, if you are using modem and it is hooked up to phone line, you do not need router for internet access.

In real world, modem and router are working co-exist each other. Consider this scenario, you are using modem connecting to your internet service provider and your Internet Service Provider using their own router connect to other web site or communication company to provide internet service to you.

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