informative speech topic..

2009-03-17 4:35 pm
我下個星期有個informative speech..
但係我唔知用咩野topic 好..
而且我要既TOPIC 係想funny d..同埋易講d..

仲有..有冇人知..其實informative speech係要要講d咩??


回答 (1)

2009-03-17 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Informative speech - give the audience some useful information.
You should pick the topic you familiar with. Or you should interest on it. For example: If you love to eat "fruit", you can talk about "fruit". Orange can give you the Vitamin C which help you to build up your body to avoid the sickness. For Apple, an old saying" An apple a daily, keep the doctor away.".......
You should think about what your audience would like to hear. Do some research and write your speech.
Hope it helps.

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