
2009-03-17 1:42 pm
唔該各位可不可以用英文幫我翻譯出來...謝謝各位 ..participation..謝謝..886

漏了少少東西..(但回想起這句...) 應該說; 但回想起老師這句真的簡單又通順,..........漏了 (老師) 這兩字,,,

回答 (3)

2009-03-18 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tonight, when i was at English class practicing making phrases, i asked my teacher if the prases i made was okay. After my teacher saw the phrase, she made one different from mine but wiht the same meaning. At that moment, i asked my teacher why my phrase doesn't work. She said somethng that enables me to have a strong impression. She said, your phrase isn't a phrase. Although at that moment i didn't felt like i did it wrong, thinking back at that easy phrase, the only thing i can say now is that my teacher is very impresssive.
2009-03-22 11:55 am

2009-03-18 3:00 am
Tonight's English class was about making sentences. I asked my teacher if the sentence I have made was correct or not. He/she then made another one which is totally different but with the same meaning after reading mine and so I asked why is mine not appropriate? Was there any chances that I would be able to use it under any circumstances? I would never forget how she answered me. She said:' Yours is not even a sentence.' Although I was pretty upset by that, when I think back to how nice and simple the sentence was, all I could say is the Teacher is the Teacher because of a reason. Teacher, you are admirable.

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