Stop and go heartbeat - seen the doc already.?

2009-03-16 11:12 am
I have been getting this strange stop and go heartbeat, it pause for close to 1.5 second every 5 beats, the pause is a strong beat that gives me a feeling that the blood is flowing up my head, minor head spin. This can last from 10mins to everyday!

I have seen a few doctors including doing a ECG and used a holster monitor, ECG is normal and funny enough when the time I was using the holster monitor I was having the irregular heart beat but the doc saids it turns out to be normal.

I am still suffering everyday from this weird heart problem and there is nothing else the doctor can help me with. Can anyone suggest what else could it be?

I am 26 and have no family history of heart problem, other then a very minor head spin there is nothing else, no high temp, headache, flu.

I actually eat very healthy, no oily food, no caffine at all. I am suspecting it might be my thyroid, did a blood & urine test this morning. Other then that I can't think of anything else really, all I can do is suffer with this annoying strong heartbeat ...

回答 (3)

2009-03-16 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
There may actually be nothing wrong with your heart (as in the muscle itself) - Although, sometimes to catch it, you have to be having an EKG when it happens, for it to show up. I've had this happen as well.
Try deleting caffeine from your diet for a week and see if that makes a difference. All colas, coffee, tea, chocolate, Mt. Dew, Mello Yello (which has more than cola), energy drinks, etc. It will take several days for it to get out of your system,( and you could get a headache) but in a week, you should be able to ascertain if you are no longer having "skipped beats". Good luck.
2009-03-16 11:18 am
Is it normal, or "normal"? Would they tell you if it's a harmless arrythmia?
2009-03-16 11:18 am
if the holter moniter is normal and so was the ecg then you are fine. on both my holter and ecg it did show skiped heart beats.

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