英文sell product講稿(趕急)

2009-03-17 3:45 am
老師要求我地presentation 3-4分鐘
要我地sell 一樣product(咩product都可以)

唔該 有冇同窗可以幫下手

回答 (1)

2009-03-18 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Being a certificate or an advanced level student burden a very high pressure coming from by study. (因學習而有沉重的壓力). I toil my study every day(每天都苦讀) without finding a bit of time(一刻的時間) to relax. I rack my brain(攪盡腦汁) in order to score a better result in the public examination such as HKCEE and HKALE.
Due to the above mentioned reason, I highly reccommend to buy a console(遊戲機) called playstation 3, PS3, for myself. PS3 can make me relax thoroughly(完全地) when I play the games. During playing games, I sweep all the worry away(把所有憂慮掃除). PS3 is more than a video console(不只是一部遊戲機). It can play state of the art(尖端科技的) product - a blu ray disc(藍光碟) which offers a super high quality of image for me. Not only can I enjoy watching Hollywood moives but also can help me to sharpen my listening and oral skill(鍛鍊好聽力及口試). I always think learning English should not be confined(局限於) in the classroom and English lessons only. Using PS3 to watch Hollywood movies can, beyond a shadow of a doubt(沒有絲毫的疑問), meet my demand. Hence PS3 becomes my witty(機智的) choice able to meet the win-win condition(雙贏局面) as well.

2009-03-17 17:53:43 補充:

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