Take more public transport

2009-03-16 8:06 pm
How to convince people take more public transport? or Why people should take more public tansport?
(As details as possible)

回答 (2)

2009-03-17 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you know why people should take more transport, you know how to convince people take more.
Here are the reason the people should take more public transport.
1. Environmental protection. Less gas has been used by taking more public transport.
2. Cost saving. Price for public transport is more cheaper than driving.
3. Keeping a private car is very expensive. Insurance, parking, gas and ticket.
4. Public transport like MTR and KCR. The time for travel is easy to predict.
5. Taking public transport is more safe than driving a car especially when you drink a lot of wine.
2009-03-21 3:38 am

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