till & until

2009-03-16 7:52 pm
what is the different between "till & until"?

回答 (2)

2009-03-18 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
E.g. I can't attend the meeting till noon.
There is a famous saying of "TILL," - Till death do us part.
e.g. The product will not be available until one week later.

2009-03-18 04:22:35 補充:
http://www.gmat.com for the part of UNTIL example.

2009-03-18 06:06:34 補充:
For usage of these two words, can go to the following website for reference:

2009-03-16 10:03 pm
till 仍然 e.g. I till in office我仍然在寫字樓

until直致 e.g.My mother come to school collect me then i leave to school. 直致到我等到媽媽來接我, 我才離開學校

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