
2009-03-16 6:50 pm
"活動之有關安排將於活動前兩個月內公佈" 英文係咩??

回答 (4)

2009-03-16 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案


Detailed arrangements will be announced within 2 months prior to the (date of) event/activity.

*有冇date of都得.


Detailed arrangements will be announced within 2 months prior to the start of the programme.
參考: My knowledge
2009-03-16 8:44 pm
The arrangement regarding the activity will be announced within 2 months.
參考: own
2009-03-16 7:20 pm


Here are two different ways to write it:

The detail of the activities will be announced within two months prior to the start of the activities.


The detail of the activities will be made available within two months prior to the start of the activities.

2009-03-16 11:20:55 補充:
within 2 months prior = 活動前兩個月

2009-03-16 11:54:19 補充:
Missed a word earlier...

within 2 months prior = 活動前兩個月內
參考: 知少少扮代表.
2009-03-16 7:09 pm
The arrangement of the activities will be announced within two months.

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