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可以譯作:To risk danger in desperation
Risk (verb) --- to take an action that may lead to danger or loss in the hope that things will go well 冒險採取某種行動以求改善狀況等 (Longman Dict. of Contemporary English).
Desperation --- the state of being hopeless and the need of doing something as a last attempt but with little chance of success 絕望、不顧一切。
[ 順帶一提, 如果用‘endanger’一字, 不能寫 endanger by doing/ by taking... 等, 因為 endanger 是「及物動詞」(transitive verb), 之後定要有名詞跟隨, 例如 to endanger health (損害健康)、to endanger life (危害生命)。上面採用的 risk 亦是「及物動詞」, 所以後面是名詞 danger]