Intentionally spreading herpes?

2009-03-15 7:33 pm
Okay so I was talking to my brother's friend and he was telling me about how last weekend he "hooked up with some girl". They were in the middle of open-mouthed kissing when she told him "By the way, I have oral herpes" which, as you can imagine, freaked him out and made him stop immediately. Sure enough, he now has the standard white spots on the inside of his lip/mouth.

Now, to my knowledge, he should be eligible to receive monetary compensation. Could he in fact, as I believe, take this girl to civil court and sue her? If so, roughly how much is he likely to get out of it?

Oh, and say this guy was so accidentally spread it to someone else, say through sharing food or something, would that person in turn be able to sue the girl?

To me, what she did was terribly unethical. She knew full well that, way more than likely, she would spread her disease to this guy, which is unacceptable. In my opinion, it warrants some form of punishment.


Im pretty sure theyre like this, (though maybe quite so bad, YET) Also, this is NOT the standard cold sores that most people have. This is legitimate, HSV-2.

回答 (10)

2009-03-16 8:43 pm
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You people should all pass 5th grade before attempting to act like lawyers. Seriously 90% of the population has oral herpes aka cold sores. he probably already had them. you can sue for anything nowadays but a judge would laugh you right out of the court house. only people intentionally spreading HIV can be convicted. and even that is a long shot and extremely rare. For one you are responsible for who you "hook up" with. You need to know their medical history before doing anything with them. And you would have to prove that particular person gave you the oral herpes. That would be impossible since almost everyone has them and you've likely kissed other people, shared drinks, etc. And btw cold sores (HSV 1) ARE exactly the same things as HSV 2 they are just in a different place.
2009-03-15 7:39 pm
What "standard white spots" are these. Can't say I've ever heard of that as a symptom.

Most people will get oral herpes at one time or another. It's just a fact of life, no big deal. His immune system will deal with it (if he even caught it) and he will probably only break out once in his lifetime.
參考: EDIT: So now you are saying it is HSV-2 (Genital Herpies)? yet you started off saying it was oral. Get your story straight. Not to mention, what did you expect this girl to do, start off the meeting by saying "just so you know, I've got herps, so if you kiss me, you're gonna get it"? Not to mention, either way, if your friend has HSV-2, he didn't catch it from kissing.
2009-03-15 7:41 pm
Was it an active infection? Because it is less likely to spread if a cold sore isn't presently open, however, it still can be spread. But 60% of American adults carry the Oral Herpes, aka Herpes 1 virus. Your brother's friend might already have it and not know it - even before the make out session.
2009-03-15 7:42 pm
That is sick and wrong! He should sue for intentionally hurting him but first have his thing diagnosed.
2009-03-15 7:39 pm
suing is one possibility.

In many states it is a criminal offense to knowingly spread a disease. she may be prosecutable by criminal law. Check with your local DA office for Information.
2016-10-07 4:39 am
參考: BREAKTHROUGH in Herpes Research
2016-09-02 12:20 am
參考: #1 Herpes Cure Program :
2016-08-10 8:22 pm
參考: This cured my herpes 100%...
2016-05-16 9:15 am
My best friend has had genital herpes for about eight months now, and it's been really rough. She's had about 7 outbreaks. Everywhere I read it says it stops flaring up so much after time, but its not getting less frequent for her. She's been on Antiviral meds the whole time, too. She also has type 1 diabetes which she has had her whole life, which really weakens her immune system. Will it ever get better?

But after a friend share this video everything has changed.
Natural Safe Herpes Remedy?
2009-03-15 7:38 pm
Recourse? Of course but was he diagnosed with it? A common cause of white spots in the mouth is a diet deficient in dark green vegetables. And they hurt.

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