write 8 583/10,000 into a decimal form?

2009-03-15 4:29 pm

回答 (5)

2009-03-15 4:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2009-03-15 4:36 pm
Answer: 8.0583
2009-03-15 4:39 pm
Remember, if you divide by a power of 10, count the number of zeroes and move the decimal point that many spaces to the left.

There are 4 zeroes in 10000, so move the decimal point 4 spaces to the left.
8583/10000 = 0.8583

8 and 584/10000 = 8 and 0.0583
= 8.0583
2009-03-15 4:34 pm
2009-03-15 4:37 pm
8 583/10000
= 8 + 583/10000
= 8 + 0.0583
= 8.0583

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