econ mc 請幫個忙..

2009-03-16 7:09 am
1. Below is the balance sheet of a banking system.
Assets($) Liabilities
Cash reserves 500 Deposits 2000
Loans 1500

Suppose the banking system has no excess reserves. After a withdrawal of $100 from the banks, the maximum possible amount of deposits of the banking system would be

2. Under which of the following circumstances will the per capita real GDP understate the living standard?
A. when the construction industry cause noise pollution
B. when there is an increase in population due to immigration
C. when Mrs Lam does the housework by herself instead of employing a servant
D. when there is inflation

3. $million
National income 400
Depreciation 50
Rent 88
Interest 46
Wages 220
Indirect taxes 12

Profit is:
A. $46 million
B. $58 million
C. $96 million
D. $108 million

回答 (3)

2009-03-16 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. A

$100拎走左,reserve得返$400, $400既reserve最多可以support到$400 / required reserver ratio = 400/0.25 = $1600

A. when the construction industry cause noise pollution <---incorrect. NOISE POLLUTION係唔好既野,所以呢個係over estimate
B. when there is an increase in population due to immigration. <---incorrect. 人口多左,除返條數per capita GDP都唔會變
C. when Mrs Lam does the housework by herself instead of employing a servant <---correct. 請servant會增加GDP,但係佢無請到,Mrs Lam自己做家務既價值無count落GDP,所以係under estimate
D. when there is inflation <--- incorrect. inflation唔會影響real GDP

3. Out Syll.
2009-03-22 5:47 am
my name is raymond li
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2009-03-17 6:22 pm
1. A
最低儲備比率(minimum reserve ratio) is 25%
($500-$100)/25%是maximum possible amount of deposits

2. C
因為請工人先計落GDP, 但係佢自己做, 沒計落GDP, 所以低估

3. A
National income- rent- interest- wages= profit

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:30:21
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