圓形comman tangent

2009-03-16 5:07 am
Given two circle
1. (x-2)^2+(y-4)^2=9
2. (x-6)^2+(y-6)^2=25

有乜野最好,最方便的方法搵佢地ge common tangent 出黎

回答 (4)

2009-03-16 9:34 pm
2009-03-16 11:41 pm
k=-1 係comon chord only
2009-03-16 7:01 am
Since the lowest point of C1 is ( 2,1) and the lowest point of C2 is ( 6,1), so one of the 2 common tangents is y = 1.
Centre of C1 is (2,4) and centre of C2 is (6,6), so equation of line passing through the 2 centres is:
(y-4)/(6 -4) = (x -2)/(6 -2)
(y-4)/2 = (x-2)/4
2y - 8 = x -2
2y = x + 6.
When y = 1, x = -4, so the line intersects the tangent y = 1 at (-4,1).
Slope of line passing through the 2 centres = (6-4)/(6-2) = 1/2
= tan a where a is the angle between these 2 lines.
Based on the principle of tangent to circle, slope of the other tangent is tan 2a = 2 tan a/(1 - tan^2 a) = 2(1/2)/[1 - (1/2)^2]
= 1/(1 - 1/4) = 4/3.
Since the 2nd tangent also passes through (-4, 1). So equation of the other common tangent is
y - 1 = 4/3(x + 4)
3y - 3 = 4x + 16
3y = 4x + 19.
So the 2 common tangents are : y = 1 and 3y = 4x + 19.

2009-03-16 6:34 am
點解 k 要 = -1既???

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