翻 譯 2 句 中 文

2009-03-16 2:58 am
請 各 位 英 文 高 手 協 助 ..感 謝 !!!

" 不 相 幹 的 人 , 煩 請 勿 多 管 閒 事 "

請 大 家 幫 忙 翻 譯 !!

回答 (6)

2009-03-18 3:58 am
'Irrelevant person, it please don't be officious to be irritated'

@ _@.....
2009-03-18 1:26 am
不 相 幹 的 人 , 煩 請 勿 多 管 閒 事 =
For those irrelevant people please don't go sticking the nose into other people's business.

Because多 管 閒 事 = sticking (or poking) the nose into other people's business
參考: hkslot
2009-03-16 9:31 pm
" 不 相 幹 的 人 , 煩 請 勿 多 管 閒 事 "
Any irrelevant persons, please don't get involved.
參考: own
2009-03-16 9:25 pm
不 相 幹 的 人 , 煩 請 勿 多 管 閒 事
To all outsiders, please mind your own business.


2009-04-03 14:17:02 補充:

This person has been voting for herself with different IDs as well.
2009-03-16 3:56 am
The irrelevant person, requests not to mind others' business!

irrelevant =不相幹 requests = 請求 business = 多管閒事
2009-03-16 3:14 am
" The irrelevant person, requests not to mind others' business "

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