amaths concept 問題

2009-03-16 12:31 am
The perpendicular distance from the point A(0,-2) to a line passing through the point of intersection of the lines 3x+4y-12 = 0 and 3x+y = 0 is sqrt(10). Find the possible equations of the line.
ans((step 1)):
Let the equation of the required line be
3x + 4y - 12 + k(3x+y) = 0

我想問下點解條 required line 唔可以係:
3x + y + k(3x+4y-12) = 0
我想知做尼種family of straight line題目時,,其實係點樣分辨邊條line擺先,,邊條line擺係 k 後面??
thanks for your help~

假如照你所講個放係k入邊都冇乜所謂... 咁我上述嘅example 3x + y + k(3x+4y-12) = 0 應該係啱啦?! 但係我點解計唔到個正確答案嘅?? thz~

回答 (2)

2009-03-16 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
例:找出通過圓: x^2+y^2+Dx+Ey+F=0及直線: Ax+By+C=0之交點的圓族,咁該圓族的方程式如下:
x^2+y^2+Dx+Ey+F+k(Ax+By+C) =0 ,其中k為實數!
2009-03-16 5:49 am
上面果位講漏左一樣野, 圓族k 唔可等如-1, 唔係的話要變成
common chord ge equation

呢一課書concept 好重要, 一唔掂就冇得做
不過想concept 清d....可以用以下方法去解釋

首先, 要明白點解要加個k 落去
我唔想離題, 所以我就唔多起道解釋, 有興趣email 俾我

第2, 再放個k 放起邊, 其實冇所謂
但係, 千萬要記住, 如果題目冇講明, k 最好放起冇constant 果條equation 道, 如果唔係成條family 要難左, 煩左, 你都唔想自己捉蟲嫁下話, 如果2條有constant, 咁就冇計喇, 睇你心情, 感覺下放起邊條式會易d

補充一點, 如果2條直線係同一條normal 乘大咁多倍的話, put =1, / -1 會係2條或的中水線

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