be and been

2009-03-15 10:22 pm
Whether I speak or write English sentenses. I do not know how to use (be and been) Could everybody tell me . Thank everybody for helping, 首先我想問 (be and been) 怎麼用,因我講或寫都避開不用,現在我真的想正視這個問題,希望大家給我多點實例和解釋,謝謝.....還有這段句子可不可以幫我翻譯得完美一些...((( Whether I speak or write English sentenses. I do not know how to use (be and been) Could everybody tell me? . Thank everybody for helping, ))) 尤其這句 Could everybody tell me,,我想說:(請大家告訴我) 現在真的謝謝了,,886

回答 (1)

2009-03-16 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
...((( Whether I speak or write English sentenses. I do not know how to use (be and been) Could everybody tell me? . Thank everybody for helping, ))) 尤其這句 Could everybody tell me,,我想說
Whenever I speak English or construct English sentences, I do not know how to use "be/been". Could anybody help me with that, please? Thank you all in advance.
How to use"be"?
Present tense
1) Be confident (adjective)
2) Be happy (adjective)
1) You are being so mean to me! <---------- to put emphasis on" so mean"
1) I want to be an English teacher. to +be+ an English teacher( object)
2) I want to be happy. to+ be+ happy(adjective)
Simple future tense
1) I will be happy. will(modal verb)+ be+ adjective
2) I will be your tutor. will(modal verb)+be+object
Future continuous/progressive tense
1) I will be having dinner with Helen this evening. ( high possibility)
will( modal verb) + be+ having(verb+ing)
Present perfect tense
1) I have been to Japan twice. ( your experiences)曾經去過
2) I have been so unhappy lately近來. ( recently) so(adverb) unhappy(adj)
Present perfect continous tense
1) I have been doing my homework since this morning.
( To start doing my homework this morning and up to now I am STILL doing it.)
Past perfect continuous tense
1) I was exhausted because I had been lifting weight.
( It is possible that I was still lifting weight at that moment or that I had just finished.)

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